DERIVA Tools - Bulk upload and export

DERIVA Clients are used for authenticating to the FaceBase server, bulk uploading of data, and bulk downloading of data. They include both graphical desktop applications and command-line applications.

  • DERIVA Upload Utility and deriva-upload-cli for batch upload of files for data contributors.
  • BDBag and bdbag for batch download of files for all users.
  • deriva-globus-auth-utils for authentication for command-line applications.

Installing the DERIVA Client Bundle

The DERIVA Clients are bundled for installation on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

System Requirements

  • macOS,
  • Windows, or
  • Linux (recent distros of Ubunto and Fedora preferred with Python 3+)

Installation for Windows or MacOS users

Download and install the DERIVA Client Bundle from the official releases page.

Important note for Mac users: If you are using a Mac with Apple Silicon-based hardware (i.e., “M1”, “M2”, etc.), you may experience an error that requires installation of our latest development build found here. You will also need to delete the hidden directory $HOME/.deriva before re-running the applications.

Installation for Linux users

Install the clients from the Python PyPI package.

$ pip3 install --user deriva-client

The --user option may be used at your discretion. Alternatively, consider creating and installing the package in a virtual environment.

The desktop applications can be invoked with the commands deriva-upload and bdbag-gui.

Authentication Tokens

The command-line clients (cli) can be run from the local host or a remote server, such as a compute cluster used to process data. When running on a remove server, the deriva-upload-cli and bdbag utilities may require an authentication token.


The authentication token is equivalent to a short-term, temporary password, in simple terms. Treat it as you would your FaceBase username and password.

  • Do not share it with anyone.
  • Do not copy and paste it into an email.

Authentication Token Lifetime

The authentication token will expire in 30 minutes by default. However, the authentication client will refresh the token so long as you use the --refresh option.

Establish an Authentication Token

Use the following command to establish an authentication token with the server.

$ deriva-globus-auth-utils login --refresh --host

The command will open a browser window unless you use the --no-browser flag. By using the --no-browser flag, the client will instead instruct you to follow a URL to authenticate to FaceBase and then return to the terminal window to enter the authentication token. This method is typical for users transfering files from a remote server such as a cluster where their data files are stored. The --refresh flag is optional but recommended to ensure your session remains active for the duration of your data transfer operation.

Note that the deriva-globus-auth-utils and the command-line applications for upload or download must be run on the same computer. You do not copy tokens between computers or applications.

Terminate an Authentication Token

When you are finished using the authentication token, logout using the following command on the same computer that you issued the login command. When you do this, the token will be invalidated immediately.

$ deriva-globus-auth-utils logout