FaceBase Site Walkthrough
Text version of site walkthroughs that we’ve done on our Bootcamps.
Mouse Summary Data - snapshot of all of the data available for mouse data - at this time, the bulk of our data is on mouse. Gives you an idea of what kinds of data are available by time point and anatomical region. Just make sure to scroll to the right. We are working on a future update where you can use a graph like this for any species
Mouse skull fly through - a tour of the structures of the mouse skull.
Please let us know if you have used FaceBase data in a paper at help@facebase.org -
Membership - create a user account and that will put you on our mailing list and provide benefits that will increase with future feature updates. In particular this allows you to export data in bulk - which Alejandro will go over in more detail later - and it is also required in order to request access to human data. (don’t go through the sign up process)
Going through the top-level navigation:
Datasets ->
Images -> just searching imaging data
Gene summaries -> at a glance overview of information by gene with beautiful illustrations of different tissues in mouse at different age stages. Some summaries also include corresponding data for human for that gene.
Anatomical navigation - toggle through different anatomical regions, turn it around in the browser window, click anatomical term to find related available data (powered by our anatomical ontology)
SUBMIT Mention change of format from hub and spoke to open to the community Submitting data - Video about submitting data; link to submission form ; data priorities
DATA ACCESS Learn about what is considered controlled versus open access data in FaceBase and How to request controlled access (human) data. - Alejandro will go over that in further detail
ABOUT Projects, publications,
HELP (links to documentation about Bootcamp materials
RESOURCES This will be expanded in the redesign where we’ll have a page per species that focuses in more vivid detail the resources available. But for now I’ll use the current top-level resources page.
Mouse Summary Data Mouse Anatomy gallery 3D Facial Norms - practice search there! FishFace Coming soon is the EnamelAtlas resource coming this summer.